About us

Starting a simple life

How it started…

Erik and I were married in 2013, on a lovely fall day. We started in an apartment in the city. Then just before the arrival of our firstborn, we moved to a family home in a small town. We just moved in when we welcomed our first baby girl, Hannah. Later, David and Jonah followed. Life got (very) busy and a tidy home was no longer a priority.

I spent my time doing my best nurturing and bringing up these precious little ones that were entrusted to us. In my spare moments, I enjoyed sewing, making soaps, and learning many new skills. I honestly think I learned more valuable skills (and still am) in these last years than in all those years.

As time went on more stuff came into our house. I have no idea where it all came from. It seemed like for every box I brought to the thrift store, three boxes full of stuff would pop up. I was longing more and more for a less cluttered life, with easy routines. A life that was simple, yet thoroughly enjoyable.

Then, along came another house in the same street we lived in. It had a spacious garden and with baby no. 4 on the way, a little more room was nice. We moved, with all our stuff.

Now, here we are, still learning along the way. I found that we can and want to do a lot, but we can’t do it all at the same time. That means my kitchen looks different three times a day and I stumble over the occasional lost Lego and pile of laundry, but… that’s OK. That’s just how life is right now. Learning every day & for my fellow Bible believers… trying not to be too much of a Martha :)

Wreath doodle
Wooden drying rack with a white towel in front of a light grey and white shed.

I can cook three, healthy, meals a day. Bake a crackling sourdough bread, sew my boys a knight’s cape in a few minutes, and just enjoy each other. Simplifying as we go. Focussing on the things that really matter, finding joy in homemaking and motherhood.

For, I found things are best just how they were designed by God. We can make beautiful things with linen fabric or wool. Vegetables grown in rich soil make for great nutritious meals, clothes can be air-dried in the wind (for free!) and so much more. That’s why I like the motto “natural homemaking”.

Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. – Jeremiah 6:16

I hope you’ll find joy and peace as you join us. Find inspiration for intentional daily homemaking. Gardening, natural living, motherhood & healthy recipes. Making your home a haven of rest as you join us.