Written by: Tahnee Wientjes
Finding joy as a homemaker can feel challenging at times, but there’s so much beauty in homemaking. After 10+ years of homemaking, I want to share how simple routines, letting go of unhealthy standards, and a few key practices can help you find joy in homemaking.
Table of Contents
This post was written from my experience and is intended for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute providing medical advice or professional services.
Health: Nourishing Your Body, Nourishing Your Home
Life becomes a whole other story if you don’t feel well. Every day, seemingly simple tasks become hard and challenging for a homemaker.
Having gone through some health issues myself, I know how hard those days can be when you want to, but just can’t.
Every homemaker’s beauty and joy are the efforts and sacrifices she makes for others to create a lovely place for them to rest and grow. But if she doesn’t feel well, it’s hard—very hard at times.
It’s key that you make sure you get proper nutrition and nourish your body as much as you want to nourish those around you.
A healthy diet, regular exercise, and ample moments of quiet and rest are key to feeling good.
Lastly, if you feel tired, irritated, depressed, experience mood swings, anxiety, etc. See a nutritional therapist to check for hormonal imbalance issues and/or nutrient deficiencies.
If you feel like you need to work on this one, schedule 30 minutes of uninterrupted time this week to evaluate what you need to nourish yourself & those around you.
Taking Time to Rest: Recharge for a Joyful Home
Rest is such a vital part of overall well-being. Yet, for homemakers, it can be so hard to find an empty spot in our agendas because there’s always something to do.
Our bodies and minds need rest to process all the things that come our way.
It’s a good idea to slow down before you go to bed. This will tell your body that it’s time to go to sleep, and you’ll probably sleep better.
Also, I’ve found it nice to ease into the day. Getting up a little earlier than everyone else to have some uninterrupted time to prepare myself for the day.
Simple ways to incorporate times of rest are quiet time, delegating household tasks, taking a mini break, reading your Bible, writing in your diary, a walk, etc.
Just scheduling a 30-minute quiet time every week or so can help to get your focus back. And if you feel like you don’t have 3o minutes, it’s even more important to sit down and schedule a time of rest because you can’t go on forever.
You have a very important task at home, for your loved ones. Carry the responsibility you have for your home & loved ones, with care. So acknowledge that you need rest too. So make time for it!
Letting Go: Simplifying Your Homemaking Routine
Letting go of ideals and standards can be hard, especially if you’re a perfectionist like me. Expectations often set an unrealistic standard and lead to disappointment & a lack of joy when they don’t come true.
If you feel like nothing goes the way you’d like it to happen, it may be good to sit down and evaluate what’s important to you.
Focus on what truly matters, reduce clutters and, in the busy seasons of life or if you have little ones, embrace “good enough” instead of perfect.
The Little Things: Finding Joy in the Everyday
We all enjoy different things, and though it may sound cliché, it’s often the little things.
A cup of tea, spring flowers, a hug from one of the kids, a friend coming over.
When you’re having a hard time finding joy in the mundane, try making a “Joy Jar”.
Every time you rejoice over something, put a little note in the jar. This works, too, with a little notebook. Make sure it’s in an easily accessible place & include a few pens to write with.
Planning: Create a Routine That Works for You
Planning works for some and others, but it adds more stress. So, evaluate for yourself if this will help or add to the burden.
If you have little or no structure in your day, it might be nice to create a routine. A good routine can reduce stress and help you get more done.
You don’t need anything fancy. Just start with your daily & weekly tasks and write them on a notepad checking things off as you go.
Or, start with a morning routine and go by that routine every day for a week.
The great thing about routines is that they help build habits. Habits are things you do without having to think about too much. This costs less energy and makes your days smoother.
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Find joy in homemaking by balancing, rest, health, simplicity, and routine. Start small & build your home one step at a time.
Don’t let social media set the standard for your home & family. Joy in homemaking doesn’t mean perfection—it’s about creating a home with purpose.
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