Lunch recipes
Find healthy, simple and nutritious lunch recipes from the Haven of rest made with whole foods and healthy and natural ingredients. Learn how to make lunch recipes from scratch using natural ingredients and whole foods. We like to use organic ingredients with no additives. Healthy lunch recipes can be made with organic eggs, vegetables and fresh herbs. Eaten with a slice of fresh, crackling sourdough bread. Ancient wheats can help make a healthy lunch since they provide many minerals, vitamins and are full of good, gut healthy bacteria. Join us in baking your own sourdough bread.
A healthy lunch is an important part of the day since it will have to provide for enough energy for the afternoon. For a healthy body we need to prepare our lunch in the right way. Traditional methods can help with that. We can soak and ferment our foods, making them easier to digest. And unlock many of the vital minerals. By using simple and nutritious lunch recipes, you can feed your family a healthy and nutritious lunch without spending too much time in the kitchen.